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David Ben Gurion : ---- " If you believe in ISRAEL, you can't call yourself - ATHEIST "!... "In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles" ... Ada,this one is for you!... "The knowledge of how to FEAR what ought to be feared and how not to FEAR what ought not to be feared is called - COURAGE"... "Anyone who believes you can't change HISTORY has never tried to write his MEMORIES"... "I don't know what the people WANT ! All I know is what they NEED"... " Well done, now give it back to them." ( Spoken to Louis Nir in June 1967, after his unit captured Hebron in the Six-Day War )... "UM - SHMUM" ( The UN - Bla Bla Bla ! ) ... "If an expert says it can't be done, get another expert"...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Windsor's Knot

Jimmy Carter:
"I trust the Muslim Brotherhood and think they'll keep peace with Israel" 
===  "Israel is an enemy," said Abdul Monheim Aboul Fotouh - Yeah! replayed the 'ECHO', "It is a country that advocates an aggressive stance!.. "
How come, you Arabs... don't have the "Windsor's Knot" on your tongs?


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however, if you use a knife, then I will use WMD!