Subject: Pew poll of Egyptians:
61%:32 Annul treaty with Israel,
61%:21% U.S. economic aid has negative impact
[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Note the negative perception of US aid.]
Q74 Do you think Egypt should maintain its peace treaty with Israel or
[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Note the negative perception of US aid.]
Q74 Do you think Egypt should maintain its peace treaty with Israel or
do you think Egypt should annul its peace treaty with Israel?
Maintain treaty 32 - Annul treaty 61 - DK/Refused 7
Maintain treaty 32 - Annul treaty 61 - DK/Refused 7
QEGY1 Overall, would you say U.S. economic aid to Egypt is having a
mostly positive impact, a mostly negative impact, or no impact on the way things are going in Egypt?
Mostly positive 21 - Mostly negative 61 - No impact 17 - DK/Refused 1
Mostly positive 21 - Mostly negative 61 - No impact 17 - DK/Refused 1
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