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This blog has - 131 posts and 15 Comments
David Ben Gurion : ---- " If you believe in ISRAEL, you can't call yourself - ATHEIST "!... "In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles" ... Ada,this one is for you!... "The knowledge of how to FEAR what ought to be feared and how not to FEAR what ought not to be feared is called - COURAGE"... "Anyone who believes you can't change HISTORY has never tried to write his MEMORIES"... "I don't know what the people WANT ! All I know is what they NEED"... " Well done, now give it back to them." ( Spoken to Louis Nir in June 1967, after his unit captured Hebron in the Six-Day War )... "UM - SHMUM" ( The UN - Bla Bla Bla ! ) ... "If an expert says it can't be done, get another expert"...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crime and punishment in Gaza

Jeremiah Wright
On Twitter -

The situation in Egypt must be desperate if the FM Mohammed Amr says in a statement:-
" The Land Day is a reminder to all 'factors' that the occupation of the Palestinian territories must end & a prompt action must be taken towards the establishment of a Palestinians state whose capital is Jerusalem."
He also condemned the excessive use of force by the Israeli authorities, especially against the 'peaceful demonstrations' during the events of the - 
 Land Day... (AKA - "The Global March to Jerusalem").
He noted that the lack of the political horizon, increases the likelihood of deterioration in the near future.
(They have been warned! And the warning is still there... )

I saw on Twitter during the 'Tahrir Events' - "More than 600 Egyptians lost the sight on one eye at least!..."
Tanks Vs. peaceful demonstrations were in Cairo!


Tahrir Sq. 25 Jan 2011

Friday, March 30, 2012


Is the Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel - the historical birthplace of the Jewish people. The yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been the cornerstone of Jewish religious life since the Jewish exile from the land two thousand years ago, and is embedded in Jewish prayer, ritual, literature and culture.

The Castle of the Jews

20 thousand Palestinians gather in Jordan near Qasr al - Yehud, opposite Jericho, considered as the site of Jesus' baptism. So far, no reports that they approached the border.
Click to enlarge
Qasr el Yahud or Kasser Al Yahud (Arabic language: قصر اليهود‎, lit. the Castle of the Jews) is baptism site in the Jordan River Valley in Israel. It is the traditional spot where the New Testament narrative of the baptism of Jesus took place (Matthew, 3: 13-17). According to tradition, it is also the place where the Israelites crossed over the Jordan River into the "Promised Land"... and Elijah the Prophet ascended to heaven.  
Yalla Beitar! Yalla!

 30 - 03 - 2012 18:00
The main rally marking the 36th year of the "Land Day" in Deir Hanna has ended a short time ago (Friday) with a demonstration attended by thousands, carrying Palestinian flags and chanting slogans. 
Chairman of "the Monitoring Committee of Israeli Arabs", Muhammad Zeidan, blessed in his speech "the martyrs, who sacrificed their lives not only for the Palestinian victims living in Israel but for the entire Arab nation"  


Google! What happened?

 ----- Original Message -----
From: Kashenka Malenka
To: Alexander Munch
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: Fuck Google!

This is very strange , i have no explanation for this .

From: Alexander Munch
To: Will
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:04:05 PM
Subject: Fuck Google!


Mar 28 (1 day ago)

to blogger
After automatic Google Acc up-date with the"new Look" - No can post on Blogger!
New Dashboard on Blogger - No can see my blogs!
G-mail username changed!

From  xxxxxxx(%)
To -    AAAAAA.xxxxxxx.BBBBBB(%)

Blogger on behalf of DarkUFO - Google Top Contributor

Mar 28 (1 day ago)

to blogger
Does it happen if you use another browser like Chrome. We need to see if the problem is just with Internet Explorer or with your whole PC/Computer.
On Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:08:21 PM UTC+1, WillMFS wrote:
    Blog url:
    Browser: IE 9.
    Country : Canada
    When in edit the blog freezes and i get the message : "Blogger is not reacting due to a long script" when i click cancel script i can cointinue for a while when uploading picks  ar trying to post i get again the same message and have to keep clicking 'cancel script'
    Please advise.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

700 pt. !

29 - 03 - 2012

Itzhak Perlman & the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra